Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And you think YOU had a bad DAY

I get pretty frustrated with Josh coming home from work grumpy.(like yesterday) SERIOUSLY???? So you maybe had a few clients who were rude to you. I got peed on. So you may have gotten lost a few times. I was called a POOP BUTT 5 times by a 2 year old while his brothers laughed hysterically next to him. You may have had to work a 12 hour day. I dragged three kids through the grocery store, the bank, and of course back to the grocery store because SOMEONE lost a shoe. You may have had a bad day because you "were overloaded with work" HA really. I have gotten three kids ready for the day, cooked 3 meals. Done 11,000 loads of laundry, cleaned puke, Vacuumed, lost the kids, found the kids, cleaned boogers, bugs, and blood. And still had supper on the table at 5:30 pm. Think about that honey next time you THINK you had a rough day.