Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Well we have known for a while now that Dylan is not good with anything with wheels.

It started first with the skateboard incident.

I was in the kitchen making supper. It seemed like the usual night. Mason was chasing the cat with some object that he probably should not of had in the first place. Josh was outback and Dylan was out front with the skateboard. Keep in mind I had no idea he had the skateboard even out of the shed. ( I know bad mother right!) Anyway... I looked up just in time to see him running full speed across the tar driveway. I thought to myself oh my goodness he is going to jump on the skateboard. No helmet no pads..just 48 pounds of skin and bones. So I sprinted to the window and banged on it. TOO LATE. He jumped onto the skateboard at full speed. His skateboard went one way ...unfortunately not the same way as his body. He landed on the ground with a thud. I raced out the door to his side. I said DYLAN what were you thinking. He looked up at me and said. That is what they do on TV..........................................

So I guess when Dylan thought riding his bike up the road was something he was ready to do. I should of known it was a bad idea. We told him before we could let him do that he had to do a driveway test. This meaning that he had to be able to ride around the driveway and be able to be sturdy and keep himself up. I told him I would come out and watch him before making a decision. Keep in mind we live on a dead end dirt road and there is only one other neighbor past us. It is a pretty safe area. None the less. I wanted to make sure he was ready for the challenge.
So once again I am back to the skateboard moment ....... I am sitting here watching him in the window practice riding his bike so he could show us he was ready. Well him telling me he had to practice should of been the first clue that he was not ready.
He ran......jumped on his bike did two pedals wobbled once...wobbled twice... Hit the van... still stayed going.(gotta give him a little credit for that)..took out the wooden post, Lost a boot and then proceeded to smash into the snow bank. Needless to say Dyl will NOT be riding up the road anytime soon.

Lessons Learned.....
The hard way


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