Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve ..

I look back at New Years Eve. The past New Years Eves that is. How different things have become over the years. When I was younger I looked forward to this night. I knew it meant lots of fun with friends. I would think ahead about the perfect outfit and shoes. Who would be there and who I would go with.

These days the focus of New Years Eve is a family party and whether or not we will have enough snow in time for them to Slide with their cousins that night. To some this may sound boring but to me it has just became a way of life. The little things are less important these days and making the boys smile is on the top of my list. I am not even sure where I would go if I went "out" for New Years Eve these days. I do not think I have gone "out" for New Years Eve in years and years. Def. not since I have been married. we go to a family party in our little town, we eat and talk, and the kids go sliding. I am used to chasing a toddler and watching another child in the window as they slide down the hill hoping they do not take out there cousin at the bottom before she/he has time to move out of the way. This year William is now 4 which means he can join the "sliders" outside and he will be the one I am windown watching this year with no toddler crying to join them outside.

Time sure has flown. I was watching Dylan just a few short years ago while hanging inside with Mason, then Mason moved to the outside boys, and I had William inside. This year they are all old enough to go outside and enjoy the evening with their cousins making memories that will last them a life time. We will bring in another new year all snug in our beds by 10pm... because we know they will NOT be able to stay up until mid night. Pretty sure I will be bringing it in the same way. Who knows what 2013 has in store for us? No one does? I just pray for happiness and health for my family. If we have that to work with. 2013 can be anything we make of it.

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