Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25th 2009

I find myself over here again. Way behind posting as as usual. I am sure when Summer (what we have had for a Summer with all this rain) comes to and end then we will be giving you much much more updates of our family. ( you can't wait right) LOL

So my mom was in the hospital for the better part of last week. They never did find the cause and she is home recovering. So scary.

Will is now finally sitting up and eating every baby food. I am nervous to try him on finger foods so I will prob. wait another months or so. He has the worst gag reflex and can not even do a cracker right now. It kind of scares me! =-)

Dylan is doing good. I think he is hitting the point of Summer where he is almost tired of being home. Although we are always on the go. He does like returning to school and is excited for his new teacher this year.

Mason is Mason and is as crazy as always. He is go go go and then just drops at the end of the day. No more naps for him. Which is too bad. Some days I could really use the hour in the afternoon to get more done.

Well I hope everyone is having a great Summer ... we are trying to enjoy what is left of ours. We took a short trip to NH and the kids had a ball. We stopped at some water falls along the way and Dylan learned some new language in the rest area which he shared with us when he got in the car, but luckily had NO clue what it meant. Oh man was that weird. =-)


  1. sorry to hear that! I know we aren't close anymore but your still in my thoughts and prayers!

    hope your mom is well

  2. Thanks very much Shannon. I am going to try to keep up with my Blog now that Dylan is back in school. How are the girls?
