Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lets face it.................we have all been there.

It always starts out as a semi normal car ride to run errands but their is just enough of a mixture of whining, crying, seat kicking, and fighting to tip you off that this trip to the grocery store will be one for the memory books. It begins with them begging to not have to sit in the cart, so you grab a basket clearly forgetting what happened last time you allowed this. Epic fail #1 first of all you need like 20 items one of those being a gallon of milk and second EPIC fail you just allowed the kids to roam free. It begins with can we get this asked over and over again over every item in the store even items they have no idea what they are. You try to speed up a little bit as they are almost an aisle ahead of you and by now your getting looks from the older ladies or the moms with the baby sleeping in her cart making a mental note that her kids will never be that loud in a store. You want to stare back at her disapproving face and let her know her time will come. Instead you give a polite smile while laughing on the inside.
Next you explain why we do not need to buy donuts or nutty bars and offer granola bars and yogurt instead. SUCCESS only the nutty bars ended up in the cart donuts back on the shelf after all nutty bars do have peanut butter right?
You move along feeling half accomplished when one of them try to be "helpful" and end up knocking over the display of paper towel that was on your list. You quickly try to restack it, give up and get out of aisle 4 fast before you hear the clean up in aisle 4 called over the loud speaker. At this point you are at the wine and beer aisle. You refrain from drinking it right then and there after the day you have had but make sure to add one.... okay two bottles to your cart. By the time you make it to the register the kids that were running ahead are now lingering behind complaining how tired they are and that they need a cart. That's okay though because the candy catches their eye in the check out line that is about 20 minutes long. This means for at least ten of those 20 minutes you are going to spend explaining to them why they can not have candy and telling them they will get cavities. Once you have finally paid there is that last hurdle to get by THE DREADED gumball machines. You look around for another escape root and then just try to distract them as you walk by. This never works and you end up .75 cents shorter in your wallet. By the time I get in the car an hour after beginning I have about 30 items and only about ten of them were off my list which means in the next few days I will end up back at the store again. This time lets hope daddy is home. =)

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