I am use to milestones with the boys. I still find them hard and have the half teared up half proud momma moment, HOWEVER Dylan graduating from 6th grade and moving on top middle school hit me like a ton of bricks. I bawled my eyes out that day. Listening to Rascall Flats music over and over again as I sat at my computer on you tube bawling like a baby. For me that was such a big step. It is entering junior high. Where I think the age of innocence is lost. I miss the baby days, or the the toddler years where he still thought I was the best person in the world.... Now most days he rolls his eyes at me at least once and storms off at least twice. Dylan is still naive in many many ways. I worry about him as he makes the journey from boy to teen..... I hope he does not give in to peer pressure. I hope he stands his ground and remembers his morals. I hope he still comes to us when something is wrong and I hope he always remember his faith. Dylan has always wanted to make everyone happy and hates conflict. I hope he still keeps some of those traits with out being walked all over or bullied. I hope he keeps his head held high but his feet planted FIRM.........
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