Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The months in between.............

I have come to love the months in between. That means the boys play sports most of the year and the months in between have become my favorite time. I LOVE watching the boys play sports, However sometimes it is nice to have a month off where we are not running 4 times a week to a practice or game.
March is that months for me. Basketball is over and since we are in MAINE and the snow decided to bury us in March, Baseball will not start up for at least 6 weeks. We can come home at night and have supper as a family. There is NO HURRY HURRY EAT EAT!!! WHERE IS YOUR UNIFORM??? MOM WHERE ARE MY SNEAKERS ..... ECT. Its so much calmer in my house. I am not sure what we will be doing however when William is old enough to play in two years? Three kids playing sports in three different age groups. YIKES =-)
So for the Month of March I am going to forget that we have too much snow, Forget it is too cold, and just ENJOY the MONTHS in between...........

1 comment:

  1. in between months sounds heavenly!
    I would like a month or two off from dance. And it won't be long until Claire will be in dance, too.
