Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April Vacation


Every year April vacation gets me so excited for Summer with the boys. This Summer is going to be the first Summer in 6 years that I have not been pregnant or had a baby. Will is going to be 2.5 this Summer. He will be the youngest but CLEARLY has no trouble keeping up. Dylan will be 11 this summer so I am wondering how helpful he will be with his brothers. I probably should not hold my breath for that. =-) This Summer with Mason is what hits me hardest when all the sunshine is gone and the fall returns. I will be sending Mason to FULL day Kindergarten. That thought breaks my heart. Full day is the only option we have. So I am going to try not to think about that over the next 4 months and just enjoy my boys. I love being a Sahm the most during the summer time. Winters in Maine can be brutal. We def. earn our Summers.......
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  1. yes...you definitely earn your summer!
    Come vacation in Alabama. This humidity (coming in a few weeks, I'm sure) is killer!

  2. I just want it to hit 70 but NO such luck
