Wow. We are almost to mid Feb. and that just shocks me for some reason...
This has been a busy and sad week for us. I took our beloved kitty to the vet and he had to be put to sleep. It was awful and heart wrenching.
He had kidney failure and there was really nothing they could do and no options. He would face a life of procedures and pain and no hope really. I could not bare to have him continue to suffer like that.
I made the choice to hold him in my arms as the vet gave him the medicine to put him to sleep. His last time ever going to sleep. He looked at me as she gave him the medicine and I remember feeling helpless and awful. Telling him it would be okay and that I loved him.
Some may ask why would you choice to be in the room with the cat while they did that. Some would say it is just a cat. Well in this house they may be trouble makers but our pets are part of the family and what kind of mother would I bet to make him face that alone. It was heart. Worst than I ever thought it would be and sometimes when I close my eyes I still see his helpless pleading little eyes looking up at me. He had no idea what was to come.
I have to make peace with the fact that I made the best choice possible for him. I still find that hard to swallow....
Well this turned into a sad blog update. Maybe I will come back later and update more...........