Monday, February 21, 2011

Say Cheese..........................OR NOT


Well the bad mother in me decided that the kids could handle ten minutes of cold in order to get a great shot of all three of them outside. The naive mother in me actually thought we would get his picture. So 26 shots later. We only got one PHOTO where someone was not either .. A. Crying. B. Whining. OR C. closing their eyes. D. Squinting....


Getting a shot of three at the same time is always hard. Getting a shot of three outside in Maine when they are freezing is that much harder. I begged, I threatened, I made deals. So now that I owe three burgers to three boys that I bribed and still have no printable photos. I give up...=-) To resume again on a day when I find more patience.......
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1 comment:

  1. haha...well, at least you tried! I will give you credit for that!
    Your boys are too who cares if they're no smiling. :)
